About karmic analysis
Insight into the past is the key to the full understanding of the present situation. A karmic analysis is the study of the past life and its relationship to the present life. It helps you understand why you are facing certain situations and what patterns are (reported from the past life) that you are repeating. Karmic Analysis will finally be able to help you make sense of your life experiences and understand what is expected of them.
- We specialize in three classifications of NADI (palm leaf reading – highly accurate reading of your lives): Kanda Nadi, Jeeva Nadi, Prashna Nadi. In Kanda Nadi, we specialize in 24 streams and in Jeeva and Prashna Nadi we specialize in one specific stream.
- We utilize Divine guidance by our Siddhar (Rishi Prasanam) and eight spiritual Q&A tools of communication with spirit guides, angels and divine beings.
- Depending on your situation, we can utilise Vedic astrology for specific Birth time rectification, match making or karmic relationship trauma bond analysis. Based on your question, we may utilize any one of the above or all the above to check your scores on the Karma account.