Buy Venus Yantra online Now at Low Price

Astrological Venus Yantra at Best Prices - Order Venus Yantra Now

Venus Yantra

Embrace New Beginnings

Attract Love and Luxury with Venus Yantra

If you seek love, prosperity, and harmonious relationships in your life, the Venus Yantra can be your powerful energy tool to achieve towards these goals

The Venus Yantra is a geometric diagram that embodies the graceful and magnetic energy of the planet Venus (Shukra). Crafted with precision, the Venus Yantra features intricate patterns and divine symbols that capture the essence of Venus' harmonious and prosperous qualities. It serves as a powerful tool for connecting with the energy of Venus and inviting its positive influences in various aspects of life-love, beauty, harmony, creativity, and prosperity.

By establishing a connection with the Venus Yantra, individuals can experience enhanced love relationships, artistic expression, material abundance, and overall well-being. It is believed to bring harmony in partnerships, enhance artistic abilities, and attract prosperity and abundance.

Frequently Asking Question

Tirikala believe that each individual possesses a unique energy and set Gross body- Karmic Intentions. Our mission is to create Yantras that are specifically crafted to align with your personal journey.We bring forth a sacred art form that resonates deeply with your soul to rectify and reshape the essential qualities of Jeeva (life) with Causal body and prana (Subtle body).This Shukra yantra can be customized as,

Engrave Material : Copper , Silver, Brass , Gold and panchaloga.

Dimension :15* 15 CM, 30*30 CM , 6*6 CM ( Can be customized)

Engrave Method : Hand Written By Spiritual Expert

Energize Rituals : Agamic

Utilizing the Shukra Yantra involves creating a sacred space for meditation and reflection. Here's a simple guide on how to use it effectively:

  • Placement:: Install the Shukra Yantra in a clean and sacred space, Puja (worship) room or a location where you can focus your intentions.
  • Direction : Preferably facing East or North.
  • Mantra to Chant : " Oang Sung Sukraya Namaha".
  • Chant Count : Minimum 108 Times.
  • Auspicious Time : Friday

To Achieve maximum results from the Shukra Yantra, it is essential to establish a deep connection with it and use it with devotion and sincerity. To harness the power of the Shukra Yantra, individuals can follow these practices:,

  • Purification: Before using the Yantra, purify the place with water, Light incense sticks and Diya (Oil or Ghee Lamps) before the Shukra Yantra as a symbol of reverence.
  • Offerings: Regularly offer fresh flowers, incense, and fruits to the Yantra as a symbol of your devotion and reverence.
  • Chanting: Chant the sacred mantra " Oang Sung Sukraya Namaha " mantra, to enhance the Yantra's power.
  • Meditation: Meditate in front of the Shukra Yantra daily, focusing on your goals of emotional balance, inner peace, and enhanced intuition.

The Sukra Yantra energy create immense benefits for those who seek love, prosperity, and harmonious relationships in their lives. Proper usage with devotion and adherence to specific rituals, individuals can experience a range of benefits:

  • Help to get rid of Lord Sukra malefic effects
  • Help to successfully Manage disturbed family life
  • Help to cure weakness of sexual organs
  • Help to overcome from wealth loss and gambling etc
  • Help to attain his blessings

Shukra Yantra ~ Making Practice

Tirikala specializes in creating personalized Yantras that are crafted with utmost care and devotion, tailored to your unique intentions and spiritual journey. Our Gurujis through their profound knowledge combine ancient techniques with a deep understanding of these scared geometry, help to craft Yantras that resonate with your karmic intentions. This energized Shukra Yantra are undoubtedly act as a private key to sufficiently establish a mythic resonance with scared astronomical aesthetics, macrocosm and Meta Physics for Betterment.

Shukra Yantra at tirikala is meticulously hand-drawn, infusing it with divine energy and personalized symbolism to empower and support you on your path of self-discovery and transformation.This energized Shukra Yantra typically then establish a connection to effective protection and vibrate sympathetically with a positive vibe in the unique environment.Our Shukra Yantra typically maintains an exceptional ability to accurately observe specific frequency cosmic energy and typically transmit them without potential loss into their dynamic environment

Our Personalized Shukra Yantra Making will undergo below rituals process

Original Yantra Online: Discover authentic, genuine Yantra available for purchase online, sourced directly from Tirikala  Most Trusted brand


Buy Yantra Online: Explore a wide selection of sacred Yantra available for purchase online, harness their divine energies for positive transformation

Design Finalize

Yantra Material Selection: Explore process of choosing sacred materials to craft Yantras, ensure selection aligns with traditional practices

Material Selection

Buy Original Yantra Online: Discover authentic and genuine Yantras available for purchase online, sourced directly from Trusted Band Tirikala

Malefic Removal