Bogar Nadi Astrology - Palm Leaf Lets ~ Uniqueness
Bogar, also known as Bogar Maharishi or Bhogar, is a revered Siddhar—an enlightened master and alchemist in the Tamil Siddha tradition.In the realm of Bogar Nadi astrology, Rishi Bogar authored the Nadi Shastra, drawing inspiration from his Gurus, notably Maharishi Agasthiyar. These Nadi leaflets are considered scriptures, conveying direct divine guidance from Bogar Mamunivar to the souls.
Bogar Nadi Astrology stands out as a divine predictive methodology crafted to unveil life's mysteries. In his teachings, Bogar Maharishi delves into karmic hindrances linked to diverse facets of human existence—covering progeny, suggestive healing methods, health mis-alignments, and beyond.
The credit for this significant contribution to Nadi astrology is attributed to Bhogar Maharishi, who compiled a comprehensive karmic prediction for approximately 365 days (roughly one year) into a single hymn.The profound wisdom conveyed by the enlightened Bogar Maharishi between 550 and 300 BC reflects a holistic approach to comprehending and addressing life's challenges.