kandar Nadi astrology

kandar Nadi astrology










  • 遺伝的健康問題の根本原因
  • 適切な治療の提案
  • 効果的な医療システムの提案
  • 手術日と時間の確定
  • 未知のヒース チャレンジの根本原因
  • スピリチュアルなグルを特定するのに役立ちます
  • 精神修行の指導
  • クンダリーニ覚醒への提案
  • スピリチュアルな旅を始めるのに最適な時期
  • スピリチュアルな道を定義するのに役立ちます。

Our Heritage

In the early 13th Century, our beloved Rishi Sivaprakasham, attained enlightenment, near Trichy, Tamil Nādu, India. Before leaving his human form, he passed on his teachings, spiritual practices and even today, is our divine guide.

Our roots are deep into Sidhars agama shastra. Each member of Tirikala has been practising our beloved Rishi’s teachings for at least 15 years and some for the last 45 years. Kandar Nadi has its unique and very few blessings that can open and read the leaf, In which our Guruji is one among them.

Through Kandar Nadi reading practises, our guruji has been helping lakhs of souls to overcome their Karma occurance and to lead their better life. Our Guruji are blessed among one who connect with Divine sources to  read your Dynamic Coded cosmic predictions through Kandar Nadi to solve your problems.

How Kandar Nadi Online Process works

Tirikala had thoroughly developed this online jandar Nadi divine guidance consulting process with simple steps to deliver remotely. If you would like to have a guidance , then all you need to do is this:

Book an appointment
Book an appointment

Share E-Copy of Hand-written Name.

Choose your Preferred time slot for Consulting.

Donate food (If Possible)

Consult with Experts
Consult with Experts

Follow: Pious behavior till reading.

Be Prepared with your specific set of Questions.

Consult with Guruji to obtain a divine answer

Perform Corrective measure
Perform Corrective measure

Accept the possible answer from Divine.

Work with suggestive corrective action towards Betterment.


Do I Need to Have Birth Time/Horoscope for Obtaining these valuable services?

No, you don't need any.

No, you don't need any.

How frequently can I do this reading?

Depends on the need.

Depends on the need.

Why do you need a handwritten Name before reading?

The unique Hard copy of your Name will be placed in Puja after you share with us will help our guruji to analyse your karma.

The unique Hard copy of your Name will be placed in Puja after you share with us will help our guruji to analyse your karma.

Why do I have to instantly follow Pious behaviour till Reading?

The practical Divine guidance has set of pre-defined rules and conditionso obtain near match solutions for the individuals to follow this.

The practical Divine guidance has set of pre-defined rules and conditionso obtain near match solutions for the individuals to follow this.

Why is Pious behaviour to faithfully follow till reading?

The Pious behaviour typically included specific activities like vegetarian food style, No alcohol, No Physical Intercourse. Importantly you should do any harm either physical or by mind to any spices in the universe.

The Pious behaviour typically included specific activities like vegetarian food style, No alcohol, No Physical Intercourse. Importantly you should do any harm either physical or by mind to any spices in the universe.

How does Tirikala.com differ in recommending Solutions?

Tirikala remedial Solution Focus only on possible Unique Karmic solution of an Individual rather than commercialised remedial Practices. Our practical Foremost recommendation efficiently is to Invest in your Own karma with our guruji universally recommended unique solution.

Tirikala remedial Solution Focus only on possible Unique Karmic solution of an Individual rather than commercialised remedial Practices. Our practical Foremost recommendation efficiently is to Invest in your Own karma with our guruji universally recommended unique solution.