Yantra is traditionally a sacred Process which naturally demands divine Blessing with spiritual dedications. Our countless research on this sacred geometry has undoubtedly gained extensive knowledge on drawing and energising Yantra.
We religiously follow Agamic Shastra tradition. The Specified yantra is scientifically finalised based on the gross unique challenges with Time-space calculations.
This Methodology typically helps us to revel suitable Material, geometrical representation, essential diagram, coded text to Hand-drawn and energising Process. This Hand-drawn yantra is cleansed as sacred Agama scripture and finally recommended energised by scared Puja mantras and hawan / Homam to vibrate sympathetically with a positive vibe in the unique environment
Our energised Yantra will help to accurately observe cosmic energy to rectify and reshape the essential qualities of Jeeva- life with Causal body and Prana- Subtle body. This yantra accurately observes the specific frequency of cosmic energy and typically transmits them without any potential loss into this dynamic environment with positive vibes.
A Yantra is traditionally the symbolic representation of the mantra. Yantras work on the mythic resonance of the powerful mantras. Once you naturally start reciting by heart mantra by concentrating fiercely on the centre of the Yantra with complete devotion it connect you with the divine energies and helps to manifest your conscious thoughts.
Yantras enhances the concentration power and thus help in naturally increasing the sufficient intensity of the sincere prayers which in practical turns makes the instinctive urge to fulfil our wants more strong and influential. The extraordinary powers of a Yantra thrive economically on the reverberation of cosmic energies.
Yantra efficiently is a mystical object. Every Yantra traditionally has a ruling deity and the potential energies of this the deity are carefully stored in the Yantra through the powerful mantra. The conscious thoughts and wishes are amplified during Yantra Pooja with Mantra chanting paves a way by instantly connecting the divine vibrations to the worldly desires one prays for and then this thought is manifested.
Gross body - Karmic challenges of individuals are mapped into geometrical representation by the recommended Materials. Cleansed as per ancient Nadi and Agama scripture and finally recommended energised by mantras, Puja, and hawan / Homam from scriptures with Time-space calculations. These Yantra which help to observe cosmic energy to rectify and reshape the essential qualities of Jeeva (life) with Causal body and prana (Subtle body). Thus, an energetic Yantra is created with Tirikala..
Tirikala had thoroughly developed a yantra online consulting process with simplified steps. If you would like to have a guidance , then all you need to do is this: