Karma Healing

To change anything, we first have to acknowledge what we are going to alter, whether it is good or bad. Healing is actually changing on a positive way.It focuses on one time resolution of problems using remedial solutions that are wholistic in nature. The remedial solutions provided by us is a complete guidance on spiritual, physical and psychological level that includes change on body, mind and spiritual levels.

Often people face unresolvable issues pertaining three levels – body , mind and soul. On a mind level it can be psychology issues such as anxiety, unknown reasons of fear or depression. On a physical level it can manifest as a prolonged disease or hidden ailment. On a soul level it can cause getting attracted to unhealthy relations, family life disturbance or business losses. Karmic healing process will not only resolve issues on a permanent basis but also help in maintaining balance on all levels – be it on physical plane, mental level or in discovering your soul purpose. It is a process meant to last for your entire life. Some processes we would do and some efforts you will have to put!

about karma

Karma is an account of our past actions (Prarabdh), present doings that shapes our future. Sometimes, we face unresolvable issues; sometimes we do good yet don’t know the reason for our sufferings.

Our Karma dates back to many lives – Sanchita Karma; In many lives, we have repeated similar patterns and now it has become a hard block and it becomes difficult for us to see, recognise or break those patterns. Its trauma will block soul from realizing what is going wrong and this pattern then manifests into restless relationships, sickness, financial troubles or other kinds of psychological distress.

The universe is always trying to balance our Karmas (good and bad) over many lives in order to refine us as human beings and help realise the ultimate goal of human lives. But universe at the same time, every second, gives us a chance to learn, recoup and overcome our karma. Everyone can overcome their situations, sometimes, lucky people have a guru; others reach us. Our experts will help you on the path of self-realisation, which will help you scan your super imposed memory, understand the pattern and handle the current karmic challenges. Karma can be altered, modified or broken!


In the early 13th Century, our beloved Rishi Sivaprakasham, attained enlightenment, near Trichy, Tamil Nādu, India. Before leaving his human form, he passed on his teachings, spiritual practices and even today, is our divine guide.

Each member of Tirikala has been practicing our beloved Rishi’s teachings for at least 15 years and some for last 45 years.