About Karmic Reading
A karmic reading will offer you love, guidance, support, about how to begin your healing process from the true core of your being.
We would analyze the root cause of your challenges. Some challenges or relationships or real-world manifestations happen not due to your current life Karma but could be stemming from some previous births. We will analyses which birth karma is manifesting today, the real cause of it – is it ancestral curse or could it be to teach you a key lesson or is it some other source of negativity such as black magic, revenge or a particular pattern that you are unable to overcome. Some patterns become strong and complex and to unknot them is not easy. That’s when you may suffer a tornado in your lives to completely let go of that pattern. But we can help you untie the same knot through simpler ways or other means.
We use divine sources, various siddhars based ancient methodology, Prashanam methodology to approach your challenges. What makes us different is we have divine guidance from our Siddhars, and we have more than 30 years of experience in decoding all readings.